About our Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are made up of volunteers interested in healthcare issues which meet to decide ways and means of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the surgery to patients.

Would you like to influence the development of services? 

They are an excellent way for practices to keep in touch with the patient perspective and improve the patient experience.  They can also help to influence the commissioning of services and support the practice through more practical ways like fundraising or organising support groups.

Are you interested in finding out more about your Medical Centre?

Please note the PPG is not a forum for individual complaints or for single issue campaigns.

We are looking for the proactive engagement of patients across all age groups.

Group members are expected to attend meetings on a quarterly basis. This will allow a discussion to take place and help the surgery to provide the best service possible. Overall the main aim is to help patients get the best from their doctor and for doctors to get their best from patients.

Current Members

Kirit Mistry (Chair) Jit Parekh 
 Neeta KachhelaDilip Chohan 
 Yakub Patel 

To contact the members simply put your suggestions in writing and give them to reception who will kindly pass the information on; or you can email your suggestions directly to ppgatepmc@gmail.com

Recruiting members!

If you are interested in becoming a PPG member, please click on the link below and complete the form. Once completed you can either email the PPG team on the above address or hand it in at reception.

PPG Form